4 Golden Life Lessons From Robin Sharma's Who will Cry when you Die?

Who will Cry when you Die?

Robin Sharma is a top of the line writer, inspirational orator, and pioneer — he's composed various best-sellers including The Monk who sold his Ferrari and Who will Cry when you Die?. Something that I truly like about his books is that he has various stories that make you think and have a lasting effect on your brain.

How to live a life in such a way that when you about to leave this world there will be no regret at the end and fully lived up to the potential and happiness and earns good deeds during this journey of life. This book helps you to know your inner self and as you read you will find your weakness and ways to improve it.

I think the manner in which he composes his books with one idea in a little section that makes it a simple and absorbable read. Here are the 4 golden life lessons from Who will cry when you die? that is worthwhile to share it with you all.

1. Be kind to a stranger

When Aldous Huxley on his deathbed and about to leave the world, he pondered as long as he can remember learning and then summarized it in seven basic words: "Let us be kinder to each other." Through all our life, we think that to carry on with a genuinely satisfying life we should accomplish some incredible demonstration or excellent accomplishment that will put us on the title pages of magazine and papers, which is very far from reality. 

Who will Cry when you Die?

A significant and meaningful life is comprised of a progression of the day by day demonstrations of goodness and thoughtfulness, which, amusingly, amount to something really extraordinary throughout a lifetime.

Every individual who comes into your life has an objective to teach and a story to tell. Each individual you pass during the day gives you the opportunity and an occasion to show somewhat more of the empathy and politeness that characterize your mankind. 

Why not be a greater amount of the individual you genuinely are during your days and doing what you can to enrich and enhance your surroundings? In my psyche, on the off chance that you make even one individual grin during your day or light up the mind-set of even one outsider, your day has been an advantageous one. Generosity, essentially, is the tent we should pay for the space we possess on this planet

2. See your trouble as blessings

If I ask this question “Who would agree with me that we learn the most from our most difficult experiences?” Inevitably, virtually every reader here will say a big YES!!

Who will Cry when you Die?

Given this, I frequently can't help thinking about why we, as people, spend such a large amount of our valuable time zeroing in on the negative and contrary parts of our most troublesome encounters instead of recognizing the truth about them: our most noteworthy instructors

You would not have the intelligence and Knowledge you currently have been it not for the misfortunes you have faxed, the slip-ups you have made and the suffering you have persevered. Once and for all, come to realize that pain is a teacher and failure is the roadway to progress and success. You can't figure out how to play the guitar without hitting a couple of wrong notes and you will never figure out how to cruise in the event that you are not ready to spill the vessel a couple of times.

It is during life’s most trying times that we discover who we really are and the fullness of the strength that lies within us.

Start to consider your difficulties and troubles to be as blessings, set out to transform your hindrances into venturing stones, and promise to transform your injuries into wisdom. I always generally attempt to advise myself that our character is formed, not through life's most straightforward encounters, but rather during life's hardest ones. It is during life's maxim attempting times that we find who we truly are and the totality of the quality that exists in us. 

3.  Laugh MORE

As per one research, the normal four – year – old chuckles 300 times each day while the normal grown-up laugh around fifteen times each day. With all the commitments, stresses, and exercises that till our days, we have overlooked how to laugh. Every day laughter has been appeared to elevate our moods, improve imagination and creativity, and give us more energy. 

Life Lessons

Humorist Steve Martin allegedly chuckles for five minutes before the mirror each day to get his inventive energies pumping and to begin his day on a high note (This really works). Laughter therapy has even been utilized to fix ailments and recuperate those with genuine afflictions. There is a famous quote “We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.” 

4. Discover your calling

In this book writer tells about a conversation between him and his dad i.e, “Son when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice.” We live during a time when we have overlooked what life is about. We can without much of a stretch put an individual on the Moon, however, we experience difficulty strolling over the road to meet another neighbor. We can fire a rocket over the world with pinpoint precision, however, we experience difficulty keeping a date with our children to go to the library.

In this present time of technology and social media which is here so that we can stay connected and yet we are living in a time where the majority of people and experiencing loneliness and human beings have never been less connected. We have forgotten the things that matter the most.

How many lives will you touch while you have the privilege to walk this planet? What impact will your life have on the generations that follow you? And what legacy will you leave behind after you have taken your last breath? These are some questions that need to be answered by you.

The days slip into weeks, the weeks slip into months and the months slip into years. Soon it's all finished and you are left with just a heart loaded up with regret over a life half lived.

Life Lessons

Discover your calling, We all have a special talent as a gift of God that is simply holding on to be engaged with a commendable interest. We are generally here for someone of a kind reason, some honorable target that will permit us to show our higher human potential while we, simultaneously, enhance the lives around us. Finding your calling doesn't mean you should leave the employment you presently have. It essentially implies you have to bring a greater amount of yourself into your work and spotlight on the things you do best. It implies you need to quit trusting that others will roll out the improvements you want.

I really recommended this book to all of my readers as this one can change your mindset of living a life.

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