The Laws of the Spirit World

2-Sentence-Summary: The Laws of the Spirit World helps you to know the real reason and purpose of your life by uncovering the mystery of the Spirit world. By reading this, You will find the answers to question like Rebirth, Karma, God existence etc, It inspires you to develop more faith in God and provide the right approach to face challenges and problems in life.

We are more alive in the spirit world than you are on Earth.We can see you, hear you, touch you and feel you

Main Summary

This is a story about a small family, which is living their life like any other normal family until a point where all the things get changed, unusual things start to happen but all lead to a positive lesson for all humanity.

This book is narrated by two brothers Vispi and Ratoo to their mother Khorsed Bhavnagri. The strange thing is Vispi and Ratoo were not on earth during the narration of this book. Yes you heard it right, in the fateful year of 1980, Vispi and Ratoo were to enter a cross country motor rally, they decide to take their car out for a trial run from Bombay to Khopoli before the event, but unfortunately while returning they met with an accident and both Vispi and Ratoo died at the spot.
Just after the accident, Vispi saw himself outside of his physical body and soon he realize that he is dead and now he is in astral form. Suddenly, he noticed a soul standing beside him, it was his maternal grandfather who came to take Vispi to the spirit world. At that time, Ratoo was still breathing and struggling for life, Vispi pleaded to God to save Ratoo as if he died too then there will be no one take care of their mother. Eventually, Ratoo also died and come out of the physical body. Vispi explained to him that they are no more on the earthly world. Their grandfather took both of them to the spirit world.
After the death of her sons, khorshed's faith in God was shaken, for the first time she begins to ask questions whether there was a god at all. Within a month and through a chain of people, they received a message that their sons wanted to communicate with them and they spoke to the boys through a medium, and were assured of their well-being.
During communication with their mother, Vispi and Ratoo told her they are happy in the spirit world and they took permission from High Good Soul to guide her to write a book regarding the spirit world so that all the reader will get to know about the spirit world and how to live life and guide yourself in the godly path. The book - The Laws of the Spirit World - was communicated by Vispi and Ratoo through the technique of telepathy to their mother and simultaneously reduced into writing by her
In the further summary, I will let you through the information and laws told by them to their mother.

Earth is our school; our real home is the spirit world.

The 7 realms:

There are 7 reams, or planes, in the spirit world. In each Realm, there are 10 stages, from 0 to 9. So Realm 1-0 would mean Realm 1 stage 0. Realm 1 to 3 are darker worlds where sinners undergo punishment, Realm 1 is at the bottom and closest to earth and most darkest, While Realm 4 is the medium level where good and bad, dark and light co-exist (almost like our world) in this Realm Human soul starts its journey, Realm 5 to 7 are holier worlds where good souls reap their rewards of leading a morally enriched worldly life through varying degrees of bliss and tranquillity. Realm 7 is the highest, it is beyond any power of description. It is more than heaven.

What is our Goal?

All of us have to come to the earthly world just to purify our souls and reach higher realms. Our aim is to reach higher realms then we are at. We are taking births again and again to raise ourself from existing lower realms to higher realms through acts of goodness, positive efforts, developing morally right behaviour, Following godly path and then getting liberation once for all (free from birth and death) by transcending Realm 7
We can consider our body as a vehicle that we are using to exist in this physical world and we have a free will to do good or even bad deeds.
According to them, There are three types of bodies that we have: Physical body, astral body and spirit. Astral bodies are normally what we believe are ghosts. They exist and those are negative souls that just want to do harm to people. As soon as we die, we become an astral body and then we become a spirit body. By being in the astral form we are moving away from the godly path, due to which we fall to lower realms
Our real home is in the spirit world. We come here just to experience the physical world and it is a test for our soul and to pay off our karma.

Be the master of your physical mind - not a slave

The Subconscious mind:

According to the book, we have two types of mind: Physical mind and subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is the real mind of the soul which is the connection to the spirit world. It has all the memories of the spirit world.
It plays a very important role to shape up our lives positively, however in today's generation, most people have a dormant subconscious mind because we have failed to use it. The more we listen and act as per the voice of our conscience the more we grow spiritually, but there is always a constant fight between two minds and we usually use only our physical or logical minds.
We should not get controlled by the physical mind, instead, we have to make efforts to make our subconscious mind the leader of the physical mind.
When you lied or did something wrong, some weird thing goes in our mind that is our subconscious mind is telling you that you're in the wrong path. If we still keep on continuing doing the wrong things, the subconscious mind gives up on us and sleeps off and becomes dormant. That's when evil people like terrorists, rapists, or sadists are born. Their subconscious mind has become dormant because of all the small bad deeds, and so they keep on doing Major Bad deeds as there is no involvement of the subconscious mind.
People who do these bad deeds are sent to realms 1, 2 and 3 by their own subconscious mind. It is not God who sends them there but their own subconscious mind. Then when they can't tolerate the pain they feel in realms 1,2 and 3, they choose to be born on earth to wash away their sins.
Therefore you should always try to open our subconscious mind to fullest by meditation and listening to it, so that you can maintain yourself on the godly path..

Some other important things to know:
  • What You sow is what you reap: Karma, Right this is real. Whatever you do, It will be back to you in some form or other. We have a free will on earth, It's all a test of god to see what path you choose on Earth.
  • We visit our close ones in the spirit world when we're asleep: When we're in a deep sleep without any dreams, our soul do astral projection to visit the close ones in the spirit world to get guidance and healing.
  •  Lower realms are filled: At present, Lower realms are nearly filled, as humans on earth keep on committing sins, Many Souls are reaching to lower level and filling those.
  • Suicide is a sin: Earth is like our training school, in which you got admission to purify yourself, If you do suicide it means you are running away from your training and from God’s gift of life, which will lead to lower realm for sure.
Many Real life stories are there in this book on how people lose track of their purpose of human life (and reincarnation) and moved to the wrong path, through which we can learn from and correct the way of living.

There are a lot of things that you can learn from this book and it helped me look at things from a different perspective and inspired me to do good deed in my life. I tried hard to cover most of the important topics but as this book is the ocean of knowledge about our existence I must've missed out on a few things as well as I cannot bind it in this post.

If you reached the end, I wish this blog in some way helped you to re-think your approach towards life. If you want to gather more knowledge you can contact us or it would be great if you read this book by yourself.
Thank you so much for reading. Stay happy and blessed. :)

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